Data analytics: the key to delivering smart cities

Providing next generation technologies

How cities are using real-time analytics to improve services

Data analytics has a crucial role to play in helping cities become smarter, improve urban mobility, and better manage their infrastructure in a secure, sustainable and cost-effective manner.


A smart city needs to be safe for its citizens to live, work, play, and shop.
This is why traditional law enforcement operations are being pushed towards modernizing and using cutting-edge technology to reduce crime rates.

V-App, integrating cameras and sensors, helps cities in preventing theft and vandalism ensuring utmost public safety.


The efficient flow of people, vehicles, and goods throughout our communities is a fundamental aspect of everyday life and business activities.
Predictive analysis of traffic and transport patterns can reduce congestion and improve the efficiency of public transport services.

Public Wi-Fi

Free public Wi-Fi is available in many places, and jumping on a free Internet connection can be a convenient way to access online accounts, catch up on work, and check emails while on the go. But don’t forget the privacy and security risks.
Cybercriminals will often spy on public Wi-Fi networks and intercept data transferred across the link to access users’ banking credentials, account passwords, and other valuable information.

Prevent theft and vandalism

Ensuring citizens’ safety is one of the urban authorities’ primary tasks, both to meet population demands and to improve quality of life and city attractiveness for tourists, businesses, talented workers.

V-App allows you to monitor the vulnerabilities of physical intrusions, alerting whenever access is detected in sensitive areas or movements in unauthorized areas.

Managing parking and vehicles access

Urbanization is leading to an increase in the number of people and vehicles in the city worldwide. This creates great pressure on the flow of traffic. Many cities choose to restrict vehicle access in certain places. At the same time, suppliers and emergency services must be able to reach those places. How do you check who is allowed in and when?

With V-App, you can automatically control vehicles access to city centers, parking, and restricted areas.

Simplify public Wi-Fi

Accessing the internet isn’t a problem when you’re inside the confines of your own home: it’s secure, and it’s easy to connect to.
A public Wi-Fi network is inherently less secure than the personal, private one because you don’t know who set it up or who else is connecting to it.

V-App Easy Guest Wi-Fi automatically creates and displays dynamic QR codes to provide secure and fast Wi-Fi access. Users need to scan the code and will be promptly redirected to a secure connection acceptance.


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