Improving urban mobility with big data analysis

How data can shape transportation

Understand how people travel and run your services efficiently

Transport hubs are extremely important because the increasing flow of passengers and goods needs management within and between urban centers.
Airports, train, bus, and metro stations are thus often busy. To ensure the efficient functioning of multi-modal transport hubs, it is crucial to understand the passengers flow pattern. This means to precisely locate people who flow into, out of, and everywhere within physical spaces.
By having actionable insights, infrastructure operators like airports, transport hubs, or retail malls can make the most effective operational decisions to help increase efficiency and profitability while improving their customers’ experience.

Hubs monitoring

The powerful combination of V-App and Cisco Meraki enables a comprehensive solution for monitoring transportation hubs and ensuring efficient functioning.
Using V-App, you could monitor:
  • Passenger location and flows
  • Queues and wait times
  • Occupancies and densities in particular zones
Moreover, V-App also helps you in:
  • Ensure seamless passenger journeys throughout the hub, reducing and eliminating bottlenecks
  • Enable improved operations
  • Improve passenger experience

Transportation and COVID-19: re-building safe and connected cities

Traveling on public transportation increases a person’s risk of getting and spreading COVID-19 by bringing people in close contact with others, often for prolonged periods, and exposing them to frequently touched surfaces.
How can city leaders prevent the spread of the virus while simultaneously allowing people to travel?

V-App helps make the transportation system safer for the staff and people who use it, reducing transmission in the community and helping to restore trust in public transportation in the long term.
It allows:

  • Monitoring and maintaining proper social distancing guidelines
  • Ensuring staff and passengers are equipped with face masks to prevent contagion
  • Monitoring the temperatures of passengers and deny entry to a particular area if the temperature exceeds the allowed threshold
  • Monitoring Space occupancy into transportation hubs

A passenger flow monitoring system

V-App Srl Unipersonale

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